
Markrah Letter-Row Puzzles

Bored with traditional crossword puzzles that your parents played?   Interested in the next generation that combines hybrid word puzzles and Sudoku?  Then check out the Markrah Letter-Row Puzzle books!

Volumes 1 and 2

Traditional crossword puzzles require a combination of trivia and language knowledge to find the words needed by solving the clues. Letter-Row puzzles provide you with all the words needed to solve the puzzle from the start. The challenge comes from how the puzzles are solved.

You may be thinking that Letter-Row puzzles should be simple to solve and not very challenging since you already know what words will be needed. Honestly, it is relatively easy with the first few words, then the fun begins!

Initially, new words may start where the previous word ends, but then you begin encountering new patterns. With the Letter-Row puzzles, words are spelled both forward or backward; letters can overlap in the next word. Things become interesting in that while most words have at least one overlapping letter, some may include multiples, then again, you may also have some words that don’t overlap at all.

Tip: Use your Print Screen (prt scr) button to print off a copy of the All Verbs 2 puzzle to give it a try!

Hint: The answer key for All Verbs 2 is located at the bottom of this article

We had an opportunity to sit down with the creator, Mr. Mark Hyde to learn more about what the driving force was behind this project. We learned that he was a high school English teacher, and like most teachers, he was continually looking for new ways to make learning fun. The Letter-Row puzzles brought together his love of words and word games and allowed him to create something that was new and unique.

When asked how he felt his background as a teacher helps, he explained that he enjoys working with words and seeing how they come together. He also likes to play around with them and look at the interactions. For Mark, the interest is in digging more deeply, working with word lists and delving into their meanings.

Answer key

My wife and I both enjoyed working these puzzles, we feel that they are best suited for high school age and above, but if you have a younger child that loves being challenged, this may be a great gift.

Both Markrah Letters & Words, Book 1 and Markrah Literary Classics, Book 1 are currently available on Amazon. Additional books scheduled for release in 2019 include; “Anything Goes, Book 1” “Sports and Games, Book 1” and “Bible Words, Book 1 – Genesis”.

Do you have an idea for a future puzzle book you would like to see created? You can contact Mr. Mark Hyde directly at feedback@wordwrightonline.com

What favorite word games have you enjoyed playing recently?